I've recently been working on this fabulous project with a company called Dead Earnest, based in Sheffield. The aim of the project is to help the children of Birley Community School to engage more with reading, and a part of this was to create...
...The Enchanted Garden! Home of 'Trixie the Pixie' who was suspended from Pixie School for not being able to read very well... so she's come to ask the children at Birley School for their help!
Here is the corridor prior to transformation. Gulp. It was made to look like a dodgy building site the week prior to installation, in an effort the excite the children and to spread a bit of gossip!
I spent a couple of days working with a rather wonderful team of teaching assistants, making magical toadstools and giant leaves...
Fabric and masses of staples form the basis of the garden, topped with flowers, flowers, more flowers, leaves and giant leaves!
A daisy filled lawn, bunting, toadstools, trees and glittery bits provided the enchanting finishing touches...
...and the children made it all the more magical by adding their own details...
...including some letters of encouragement for Trixie the Pixie!
Just lovely :)
January 2013